To further enhance Nanchang"s international image and influence, Foreign Affairs Office of the Nanchang Municipal People"s Government has launched the "In Nanchang · 2023 Nanchang International Photography and Short Video Competition" for the global public, media outlets, photographers, video production agencies and social media influencers。
Focusing on the practice of the Chinese path to modernization in Nanchang, we are seeking a collection of photography and short video works with novel perspectives and lively content.
From the perspectives of foreign friends from different fields and age groups who have worked, lived, studied, and traveled in Nanchang as well as friends from international sister cities,all entries should focus on telling the development, international friendly communications or folk exchange activities that take place in Nanchang, showing Nanchang, the capital of Jiangxi, as a “global city”。
Ⅰ. Competition Name
"In Nanchang · 2023 Nanchang International Photography and Short Video Competition"
Ⅱ. Organization
Organizer: Foreign Affairs Office of the Nanchang Municipal People"s Government
Co-Organizer: China News Service International Communication Group Jiangxi Branch
Ⅲ. Schedule
for submission: July 10, 2023—— October 10, 2023
2. Selection for awards: October 15, 2023——November 15, 2023
3. Award announcement: late November 2023
Ⅳ. Theme of the Entries
Contestants need to create photography and short videos around the theme. From the perspectives of different fields and age groups of foreign friends who have worked, lived, studied, and traveled in Nanchang as well as friends from international sister cities, all entries should focus on telling the development, international friendly communications or folk exchange activities that take place in Nanchang。
Ⅴ. Contestant Qualification
The global public, media outlets, photographers, video production agencies and social media influencers。
Ⅵ. Award Setting
There are two categories of awards: photography and short video. A total of 55 awards will be presented with a combined prize money of 50,000 yuan (Chinese Yuan, the same applies to the following), along with the issuance of honorary certificates。
1. Awards for photography (34)
1 gold award: certificate + bonus of 3,000 yuan
3 silver awards: certificate + bonus of 2,000 yuan
5 bronze awards: certificate + bonus of 1,000 yuan
20 excellence awards: certificate + bonus of 300 yuan
5 popularity awards: certificate + bonus of 500 yuan
2. Awards for short video (21)
1 gold award: certificate + bonus of 5,000 yuan
2 silver awards: certificate + bonus of 3,000 yuan
3 bronze awards: certificate + bonus of 2,000 yuan
10 excellence awards: certificate + bonus of 800 yuan
5 popularity awards: certificate + bonus of 500 yuan
Ⅶ. Requirements
are no restrictions on the format, time of creation, or language used in the submission entries. However, the works must closely revolve around the competition theme and exhibit positive and uplifting content.
entries must be genuinely original and free of copyright dispute. Plagiarism of others’ work is strictly prohibited。
total number of submissions per person is limited to 20 pieces (Each single photo or photo set is counted as one piece, and each photo set is limited to 4-10 photos; For short videos, each short video is counted as one piece)。
photography submissions should be in JPG format, with a size of no less than 4M and the long edge not being less than 3000 pixels. The photo must not contain any text, watermark or other markings and its original information must be retained. Entries that cannot provide original photo information are deemed invalid。
short video submissions should be with a duration of 2 to 3 minutes and a resolution of 1080p or above. The format should be in MP4 and the aspect ratio should be 16:9. All videos must include Chinese and English subtitles, without any corner mark, station logo, watermark, or other markings. The file should be less than 1G。
Ⅷ. Submission
Photography and short video works for the competition should be compressed, packaged and sent to the competition submission mailbox: inNanchang@"> inNanchang@. Files are all named after "photo/short video + the name of the entry + author"s name + mobile phone number", and the email title should indicate: 2023 Nanchang International Photography and Short Video competition + author"s name。
Ⅸ. Selection Rules
The final list of award-winning works of the competition will be determined based on the opinions of reviewers and online voting results. The reviewers are composed of the competition organizer, experienced professionals, experts and scholars in related fields such as international communication, photography, and video creation。
X. Items for Attention
1. The contestant agrees that all selected works of the competition may be displayed on the Internet, or published in newspapers, journals or other materials related to the selection. The contestant has the right of authorship, but no additional remuneration will be given。
2. The contestant guarantees the independent and complete copyrights of the entries; legal liabilities such as portrait rights, reputation rights, privacy rights, copyrights, and trademark rights involved in the works shall be borne by the contestant himself (herself)。
3. The contestant agrees that the organizer has the right to make necessary modification or edit to the entries for the publicity needs of the competition。
4. According to the tradition of the competition, a single contestant may receive only one award grade, and the number of award-winning works in each category may be adjusted according to the number of submissions。
5. The organizer promises to use the personal information provided by the contestant only within the scope of the competition. The personal income tax involved in this competition is paid by the organizer。
6. The contestant agrees that the organizer has the authority for final interpretation of the competition rules, and agrees with the final selection results made by the organizer。
7. Submission of works shall be regarded as the contestant’s consent to the above provisions。
For more information: 0791-86298518, 0791-83880328
July 10, 2023
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